template<typename TInputImage, typename TSparseOutputImage>
class itk::ImplicitManifoldNormalVectorFilter< TInputImage, TSparseOutputImage >
This class implements the filter for computing the normal vectors from a scalar implicit function (i.e. a levelset image) and processing them.
- This is a ready-to-use class for filtering normal vectors of an implicit manifold image. The normal vectors of the input image are computed and processed in a band where the values of the input image fall in the region [IsoLevelLow, IsoLevelHigh]. The processing is done by m_NormalFunction. This class also defines a Halt method which uses the iteration counter and the parameter m_MaxIteration to determine when to stop the processing.
- The input is a scalar image. Even though this can be any scalar image, this filter class is intended to work with the image of an implicit function. One such example is the output of the SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter class.
- The output is a sparse image. The m_Data member variables of the nodes of the sparse image will contain the filtered output normal vectors. The sparse image has valid node pointers only in the band [IsoLevelLow, IsoLevelHigh]. Pixels of the sparse image outside this band will be null pointers.
- IsoLevelLow and IsoLevelHigh define the working band for this filter. Pixels of the input scalar image whose values fall between these low and high limits will be operated on. MaxIteration determines the number of iterations this filter will perform. (Default is 25) The MinVectorNorm parameter determines the minimum vector norm allowed (to avoid divide by 0). The default for MinVectorNorm is 10^-6 which is designed to work with an input image of floats. This value can be lowered to 10^-12 if the input image is doubles.
- The TSparseOutputImage template parameter must be a sparse image templated over a NodeType which at least has the following members: m_Data, m_InputData, m_Update and m_ManifoldNormal. Depending on the Function object being used it might need other members. For instance, NormalVectorDiffusionFunction will also require that the NodeType has the following additional members: m_Flux.
Definition at line 73 of file itkImplicitManifoldNormalVectorFilter.h.
void | CopyInputToOutput () override |
NormalVectorType | DataConstraint (const NormalVectorType &data) const override |
| ImplicitManifoldNormalVectorFilter () |
void | Initialize () override |
void | InitializeNormalBandNode (NormalBandNodeType *node, const InputImageIteratorType &it) |
void | PostProcessOutput () override |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
void | SetNormalBand () |
| ~ImplicitManifoldNormalVectorFilter () override=default |
bool | Halt () override |
void | AllocateUpdateBuffer () override |
void | ApplyUpdate (const TimeStepType &dt) override |
TimeStepType | CalculateChange () override |
virtual NodeDataType | DataConstraint (const NodeDataType &data) const |
| FiniteDifferenceSparseImageFilter () |
ThreadIdType | GetSplitRegion (ThreadIdType i, ThreadIdType num, ThreadRegionType &splitRegion) |
void | Initialize () override |
virtual void | PrecalculateChange () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
virtual void | ThreadedApplyUpdate (const TimeStepType &dt, const ThreadRegionType ®ionToProcess, ThreadIdType threadId) |
virtual TimeStepType | ThreadedCalculateChange (const ThreadRegionType ®ionToProcess, ThreadIdType threadId) |
virtual void | ThreadedPrecalculateChange (const ThreadRegionType ®ionToProcess, ThreadIdType threadId) |
| ~FiniteDifferenceSparseImageFilter () override=default |
virtual void | AllocateUpdateBuffer ()=0 |
virtual void | ApplyUpdate (const TimeStepType &dt)=0 |
virtual TimeStepType | CalculateChange ()=0 |
virtual void | CopyInputToOutput ()=0 |
| FiniteDifferenceImageFilter () |
void | GenerateData () override |
void | GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override |
virtual bool | Halt () |
virtual void | Initialize () |
virtual void | InitializeIteration () |
virtual void | PostProcessOutput () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
virtual TimeStepType | ResolveTimeStep (const std::vector< TimeStepType > &timeStepList, const BooleanStdVectorType &valid) const |
virtual void | SetElapsedIterations (IdentifierType _arg) |
virtual bool | ThreadedHalt (void *) |
| ~FiniteDifferenceImageFilter () override=default |
virtual bool | GetRunningInPlace () const |
| InPlaceImageFilter ()=default |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
void | ReleaseInputs () override |
| ~InPlaceImageFilter () override=default |
void | AllocateOutputs () override |
virtual void | CallCopyInputRegionToOutputRegion (OutputImageRegionType &destRegion, const InputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
virtual void | CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion (InputImageRegionType &destRegion, const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
void | GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override |
| ImageToImageFilter () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
void | VerifyInputInformation () ITKv5_CONST override |
| ~ImageToImageFilter () override=default |
virtual void | PushBackInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | AfterThreadedGenerateData () |
virtual void | AllocateOutputs () |
virtual void | BeforeThreadedGenerateData () |
void | ClassicMultiThread (ThreadFunctionType callbackFunction) |
void | GenerateData () override |
virtual const ImageRegionSplitterBase * | GetImageRegionSplitter () const |
| ImageSource () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
virtual unsigned int | SplitRequestedRegion (unsigned int i, unsigned int pieces, OutputImageRegionType &splitRegion) |
| ~ImageSource () override=default |
virtual void | ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType ®ion, ThreadIdType threadId) |
virtual void | DynamicThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread) |
virtual bool | GetDynamicMultiThreading () const |
virtual void | SetDynamicMultiThreading (bool _arg) |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOn () |
virtual void | AddInput (DataObject *input) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | AddOutput (DataObject *output) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | CacheInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | GenerateData () |
virtual void | GenerateInputRequestedRegion () |
virtual void | GenerateOutputInformation () |
virtual void | GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output) |
DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const |
bool | IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
virtual void | PopBackInput () |
virtual void | PopFrontInput () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| ProcessObject () |
virtual void | PropagateResetPipeline () |
virtual void | PushBackInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | ReleaseInputs () |
virtual void | RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
bool | RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
virtual void | RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *output) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name, DataObject *output) |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *object) |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *object) |
void | SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &) |
virtual void | VerifyInputInformation () ITKv5_CONST |
virtual void | VerifyPreconditions () ITKv5_CONST |
| ~ProcessObject () override |
DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryInputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryOutputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) const |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () const |
virtual bool | GetThreaderUpdateProgress () const |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOn () |
virtual void | SetThreaderUpdateProgress (bool arg) |
| Object () |
bool | PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
virtual void | SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp) |
| ~Object () override |
virtual LightObject::Pointer | InternalClone () const |
| LightObject () |
virtual void | PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual | ~LightObject () |