18#ifndef itkPointsLocator_h
19#define itkPointsLocator_h
41template <
typename TPo
intsContainer = VectorContainer<IdentifierType, Po
float, 3>>>
64 using PointType =
typename PointsContainer::Element;
67 static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension = PointType::PointDimension;
126# include "itkPointsLocator.hxx"
Control indentation during Print() invocation.
Light weight base class for most itk classes.
Base class for most ITK classes.
Accelerate geometric searches for points.
TPointsContainer PointsContainer
typename TreeGeneratorType::KdTreeType TreeType
typename PointsContainer::Iterator PointsContainerIterator
typename TreeType::InstanceIdentifierVectorType NeighborsIdentifierType
typename SampleAdaptorType::Pointer SampleAdaptorPointer
typename PointsContainer::ConstPointer PointsContainerConstPointer
typename PointsContainer::Pointer PointsContainerPointer
~PointsLocator() override=default
typename PointsContainer::ElementIdentifier PointIdentifier
typename TreeGeneratorType::Pointer TreeGeneratorPointer
void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
void FindClosestNPoints(const PointType &, unsigned int, NeighborsIdentifierType &) const
PointIdentifier FindClosestPoint(const PointType &query) const
typename PointsContainer::Element PointType
void FindPointsWithinRadius(const PointType &, double, NeighborsIdentifierType &) const
void FindClosestNPoints(const PointType &, unsigned int, NeighborsIdentifierType &, std::vector< double > &) const
typename TreeType::ConstPointer TreeConstPointer
typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator PointsContainerConstIterator
This class generates a KdTree object without centroid information.
This class provides methods for k-nearest neighbor search and related data structures for a k-d tree.
This class provides ListSample interface to ITK VectorContainer.
SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer
SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes....