template<typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage, typename TVirtualImage = TFixedImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType = double, typename TMetricTraits = DefaultImageToImageMetricTraitsv4<TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>>
class itk::MeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType, TMetricTraits >
Class implementing a mean squares metric.
This class supports vector images of type VectorImage and Image< VectorType, imageDimension >.
See MeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader::ProcessPoint for algorithm implementation.
- Examples
- Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration6.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration7.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration1.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration12.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration3.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration5.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration6.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration7.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration8.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/ImageRegistration9.cxx, and Examples/RegistrationITKv4/MeanSquaresImageMetric1.cxx.
Definition at line 46 of file itkMeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4.h.
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = MeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4 |
using | Superclass = ImageToImageMetricv4< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType, TMetricTraits > |
using | VirtualImageType = typename Superclass::VirtualImageType |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DefaultFixedImageGradientCalculator = typename MetricTraits::DefaultFixedImageGradientCalculator |
using | DefaultFixedImageGradientFilter = typename MetricTraits::DefaultFixedImageGradientFilter |
using | DefaultMovingImageGradientCalculator = typename MetricTraits::DefaultMovingImageGradientCalculator |
using | DefaultMovingImageGradientFilter = typename MetricTraits::DefaultMovingImageGradientFilter |
using | DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType |
using | FixedGradientPixelType = typename MetricTraits::FixedGradientPixelType |
using | FixedImageComponentGradientType = CovariantVector< typename FixedImageGradientType::ValueType, FixedImageDimension > |
using | FixedImageConstPointer = typename FixedImageType::ConstPointer |
using | FixedImageGradientCalculatorPointer = typename FixedImageGradientCalculatorType::Pointer |
using | FixedImageGradientCalculatorType = typename MetricTraits::FixedImageGradientCalculatorType |
using | FixedImageGradientFilterPointer = typename FixedImageGradientFilterType::Pointer |
using | FixedImageGradientFilterType = typename MetricTraits::FixedImageGradientFilterType |
using | FixedImageGradientImagePointer = typename FixedImageGradientImageType::Pointer |
using | FixedImageGradientImageType = typename MetricTraits::FixedImageGradientImageType |
using | FixedImageGradientType = typename MetricTraits::FixedImageGradientType |
using | FixedImageIndexType = typename FixedImageType::IndexType |
using | FixedImageMaskConstPointer = typename FixedImageMaskType::ConstPointer |
using | FixedImageMaskPointer = typename FixedImageMaskType::Pointer |
using | FixedImageMaskType = SpatialObject< Self::FixedImageDimension > |
using | FixedImagePixelType = typename FixedImageType::PixelType |
using | FixedImagePointer = typename FixedImageType::Pointer |
using | FixedImagePointType = typename FixedImageType::PointType |
using | FixedImageType = TFixedImage |
using | FixedInterpolatorPointer = typename FixedInterpolatorType::Pointer |
using | FixedInterpolatorType = InterpolateImageFunction< FixedImageType, CoordinateRepresentationType > |
using | FixedPixelType = FixedImagePixelType |
using | FixedRealType = typename MetricTraits::FixedRealType |
using | FixedSampledPointSetConstPointer = typename FixedSampledPointSetType::ConstPointer |
using | FixedSampledPointSetPointer = typename FixedSampledPointSetType::Pointer |
using | FixedSampledPointSetType = PointSet< typename FixedImageType::PixelType, Self::FixedImageDimension > |
using | FixedScalarRealType = typename NumericTraits< FixedRealType >::ScalarRealType |
using | ImageDimensionType = typename Superclass::DimensionType |
using | InternalComputationValueType = double |
using | MetricTraits = DefaultImageToImageMetricTraitsv4< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TFixedImage, double > |
using | MovingGradientPixelType = typename MetricTraits::MovingGradientPixelType |
using | MovingImageComponentGradientType = CovariantVector< typename MovingImageGradientType::ValueType, MovingImageDimension > |
using | MovingImageConstPointer = typename MovingImageType::ConstPointer |
using | MovingImageGradientCalculatorPointer = typename MovingImageGradientCalculatorType::Pointer |
using | MovingImageGradientCalculatorType = typename MetricTraits::MovingImageGradientCalculatorType |
using | MovingImageGradientFilterPointer = typename MovingImageGradientFilterType::Pointer |
using | MovingImageGradientFilterType = typename MetricTraits::MovingImageGradientFilterType |
using | MovingImageGradientImagePointer = typename MovingImageGradientImageType::Pointer |
using | MovingImageGradientImageType = typename MetricTraits::MovingImageGradientImageType |
using | MovingImageGradientType = typename MetricTraits::MovingImageGradientType |
using | MovingImageIndexType = typename MovingImageType::IndexType |
using | MovingImageMaskConstPointer = typename MovingImageMaskType::ConstPointer |
using | MovingImageMaskPointer = typename MovingImageMaskType::Pointer |
using | MovingImageMaskType = SpatialObject< Self::MovingImageDimension > |
using | MovingImagePixelType = typename MovingImageType::PixelType |
using | MovingImagePointer = typename MovingImageType::Pointer |
using | MovingImagePointType = typename MovingImageType::PointType |
using | MovingImageRegionType = typename MovingImageType::RegionType |
using | MovingImageType = TMovingImage |
using | MovingInterpolatorPointer = typename MovingInterpolatorType::Pointer |
using | MovingInterpolatorType = InterpolateImageFunction< MovingImageType, CoordinateRepresentationType > |
using | MovingPixelType = MovingImagePixelType |
using | MovingRealType = typename MetricTraits::MovingRealType |
using | MovingScalarRealType = typename NumericTraits< MovingRealType >::ScalarRealType |
using | ObjectType = typename Superclass::ObjectType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ImageToImageMetricv4 |
using | Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedImage::ImageDimension, TMovingImage::ImageDimension, TFixedImage, double > |
using | VirtualImageComponentGradientType = CovariantVector< typename VirtualImageGradientType::ValueType, VirtualImageDimension > |
using | VirtualImageGradientType = typename MetricTraits::VirtualImageGradientType |
using | VirtualImageType = typename Superclass::VirtualImageType |
using | VirtualOriginType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType |
using | VirtualRadiusType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | CoordinateRepresentationType = double |
using | DimensionType = SizeValueType |
using | FixedInputPointType = typename FixedTransformType::InputPointType |
using | FixedOutputPointType = typename FixedTransformType::OutputPointType |
using | FixedTransformJacobianType = typename FixedTransformType::JacobianType |
using | FixedTransformParametersType = typename FixedTransformType::ParametersType |
using | FixedTransformPointer = typename FixedTransformType::Pointer |
using | FixedTransformType = Transform< double, TVirtualImage::ImageDimension, TFixedDimension > |
using | InternalComputationValueType = double |
using | JacobianType = typename FixedTransformType::JacobianType |
using | MetricCategoryType = typename Superclass::MetricCategoryEnum |
using | MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType = DisplacementFieldTransform< CoordinateRepresentationType, Self::MovingDimension > |
using | MovingInputPointType = typename MovingTransformType::InputPointType |
using | MovingOutputPointType = typename MovingTransformType::OutputPointType |
using | MovingTransformJacobianType = typename MovingTransformType::JacobianType |
using | MovingTransformParametersType = typename MovingTransformType::ParametersType |
using | MovingTransformPointer = typename MovingTransformType::Pointer |
using | MovingTransformType = Transform< double, TVirtualImage::ImageDimension, TMovingDimension > |
using | ObjectType = typename Superclass::Object |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ObjectToObjectMetric |
using | Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double > |
using | VirtualDirectionType = typename VirtualImageType::DirectionType |
using | VirtualImageConstPointer = typename VirtualImageType::ConstPointer |
using | VirtualImagePointer = typename VirtualImageType::Pointer |
using | VirtualImageType = TFixedImage |
using | VirtualIndexType = typename VirtualImageType::IndexType |
using | VirtualOriginType = typename VirtualImageType::PointType |
using | VirtualPixelType = typename VirtualImageType::PixelType |
using | VirtualPointSetPointer = typename VirtualPointSetType::Pointer |
using | VirtualPointSetType = PointSet< VirtualPixelType, Self::VirtualDimension > |
using | VirtualPointType = typename VirtualImageType::PointType |
using | VirtualRadiusType = typename VirtualImageType::SizeType |
using | VirtualRegionType = typename VirtualImageType::RegionType |
using | VirtualSizeType = typename VirtualRegionType::SizeType |
using | VirtualSpacingType = typename VirtualImageType::SpacingType |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | CoordinateRepresentationType = double |
using | DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType |
using | GradientSourceEnum = itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::GradientSource |
using | MetricCategoryEnum = itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::MetricCategory |
using | NumberOfParametersType = unsigned int |
using | ObjectConstPointer = typename ObjectType::ConstPointer |
using | ObjectType = Object |
using | ParametersValueType = double |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate |
using | Superclass = SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< double > |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | DerivativeType = Array< double > |
using | MeasureType = double |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template |
using | Superclass = CostFunctionTemplate< double > |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | ParametersType = OptimizerParameters< double > |
using | ParametersValueType = double |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = CostFunctionTemplate |
using | Superclass = Object |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = Object |
using | Superclass = LightObject |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self > |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer< Self > |
using | Self = LightObject |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual void | FinalizeThread (const ThreadIdType) |
void | GetDerivative (DerivativeType &) const override |
virtual const FixedImageType * | GetFixedImage () const |
MetricCategoryType | GetMetricCategory () const override |
virtual FixedImageGradientImageType * | GetModifiableFixedImageGradientImage () |
virtual FixedInterpolatorType * | GetModifiableFixedInterpolator () |
virtual MovingImageGradientImageType * | GetModifiableMovingImageGradientImage () |
virtual MovingInterpolatorType * | GetModifiableMovingInterpolator () |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
SizeValueType | GetNumberOfDomainPoints () const |
virtual const SizeValueType & | GetNumberOfSkippedFixedSampledPoints () const |
virtual ThreadIdType | GetNumberOfWorkUnitsUsed () const |
MeasureType | GetValue () const override |
void | GetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const override |
void | Initialize () override |
virtual void | SetFixedImage (const FixedImageType *_arg) |
virtual void | SetFixedInterpolator (FixedInterpolatorType *_arg) |
virtual void | SetMovingInterpolator (MovingInterpolatorType *_arg) |
bool | SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples () const override |
void | SetFixedObject (const ObjectType *object) override |
void | SetMovingObject (const ObjectType *object) override |
virtual void | SetMovingImage (const MovingImageType *_arg) |
virtual const MovingImageType * | GetMovingImage () const |
virtual void | SetMovingImageMask (const MovingImageMaskType *_arg) |
virtual const MovingImageMaskType * | GetMovingImageMask () const |
virtual void | SetFixedImageMask (const FixedImageMaskType *_arg) |
virtual const FixedImageMaskType * | GetFixedImageMask () const |
virtual void | SetFixedSampledPointSet (const FixedSampledPointSetType *_arg) |
virtual const FixedSampledPointSetType * | GetFixedSampledPointSet () const |
virtual void | SetVirtualSampledPointSet (VirtualPointSetType *_arg) |
virtual const VirtualPointSetType * | GetVirtualSampledPointSet () const |
virtual void | SetUseSampledPointSet (bool _arg) |
virtual const bool & | GetUseSampledPointSet () const |
virtual void | UseSampledPointSetOn () |
virtual void | SetUseVirtualSampledPointSet (bool _arg) |
virtual const bool & | GetUseVirtualSampledPointSet () const |
virtual void | UseVirtualSampledPointSetOn () |
virtual void | SetFixedImageGradientFilter (FixedImageGradientFilterType *_arg) |
virtual FixedImageGradientFilterType * | GetModifiableFixedImageGradientFilter () |
virtual void | SetMovingImageGradientFilter (MovingImageGradientFilterType *_arg) |
virtual MovingImageGradientFilterType * | GetModifiableMovingImageGradientFilter () |
virtual void | SetFixedImageGradientCalculator (FixedImageGradientCalculatorType *_arg) |
virtual FixedImageGradientCalculatorType * | GetModifiableFixedImageGradientCalculator () |
virtual void | SetMovingImageGradientCalculator (MovingImageGradientCalculatorType *_arg) |
virtual MovingImageGradientCalculatorType * | GetModifiableMovingImageGradientCalculator () |
virtual void | SetUseFixedImageGradientFilter (bool _arg) |
virtual const bool & | GetUseFixedImageGradientFilter () const |
virtual void | UseFixedImageGradientFilterOn () |
virtual void | SetUseMovingImageGradientFilter (bool _arg) |
virtual const bool & | GetUseMovingImageGradientFilter () const |
virtual void | UseMovingImageGradientFilterOn () |
virtual void | SetMaximumNumberOfWorkUnits (const ThreadIdType number) |
virtual ThreadIdType | GetMaximumNumberOfWorkUnits () const |
virtual void | SetUseFloatingPointCorrection (bool _arg) |
virtual const bool & | GetUseFloatingPointCorrection () const |
virtual void | UseFloatingPointCorrectionOn () |
virtual void | SetFloatingPointCorrectionResolution (DerivativeValueType _arg) |
virtual DerivativeValueType | GetFloatingPointCorrectionResolution () const |
OffsetValueType | ComputeParameterOffsetFromVirtualIndex (const VirtualIndexType &index, const NumberOfParametersType &numberOfLocalParameters) const |
OffsetValueType | ComputeParameterOffsetFromVirtualPoint (const VirtualPointType &point, const NumberOfParametersType &numberOfLocalParameters) const |
MetricCategoryType | GetMetricCategory () const override |
virtual FixedTransformType * | GetModifiableFixedTransform () |
virtual MovingTransformType * | GetModifiableMovingTransform () |
virtual VirtualImageType * | GetModifiableVirtualImage () |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
NumberOfParametersType | GetNumberOfLocalParameters () const override |
NumberOfParametersType | GetNumberOfParameters () const override |
virtual SizeValueType | GetNumberOfValidPoints () const |
const ParametersType & | GetParameters () const override |
const MovingTransformType * | GetTransform () |
VirtualDirectionType | GetVirtualDirection () const |
virtual const TimeStamp & | GetVirtualDomainTimeStamp () const |
VirtualOriginType | GetVirtualOrigin () const |
const VirtualRegionType & | GetVirtualRegion () const |
VirtualSpacingType | GetVirtualSpacing () const |
bool | HasLocalSupport () const override |
void | Initialize () override |
virtual void | SetFixedTransform (FixedTransformType *_arg) |
virtual void | SetMovingTransform (MovingTransformType *_arg) |
void | SetParameters (ParametersType ¶ms) override |
void | SetTransform (MovingTransformType *transform) |
void | SetVirtualDomain (const VirtualSpacingType &spacing, const VirtualOriginType &origin, const VirtualDirectionType &direction, const VirtualRegionType ®ion) |
void | SetVirtualDomainFromImage (const VirtualImageType *virtualImage) |
virtual bool | SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples () const=0 |
void | UpdateTransformParameters (const DerivativeType &derivative, double factor) override |
bool | IsInsideVirtualDomain (const VirtualPointType &point) const |
bool | IsInsideVirtualDomain (const VirtualIndexType &index) const |
MeasureType | GetCurrentValue () const |
virtual void | GetDerivative (DerivativeType &) const=0 |
virtual GradientSourceEnum | GetGradientSource () const |
bool | GetGradientSourceIncludesFixed () const |
bool | GetGradientSourceIncludesMoving () const |
virtual MetricCategoryEnum | GetMetricCategory () const |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual const ParametersType & | GetParameters () const=0 |
MeasureType | GetValue () const override=0 |
void | GetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const override=0 |
virtual bool | HasLocalSupport () const=0 |
virtual void | Initialize ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGradientSource (GradientSourceEnum _arg) |
virtual void | SetParameters (ParametersType ¶ms)=0 |
virtual void | UpdateTransformParameters (const DerivativeType &derivative, ParametersValueType factor=NumericTraits< ParametersValueType >::OneValue())=0 |
virtual void | SetFixedObject (const ObjectType *_arg) |
virtual const ObjectType * | GetFixedObject () const |
virtual void | SetMovingObject (const ObjectType *_arg) |
virtual const ObjectType * | GetMovingObject () const |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual MeasureType | GetValue () const=0 |
virtual void | GetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const=0 |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfParameters () const=0 |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *) const |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const |
LightObject::Pointer | CreateAnother () const override |
virtual void | DebugOff () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () const |
Command * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
bool | GetDebug () const |
MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () |
const MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () const |
virtual ModifiedTimeType | GetMTime () const |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual const TimeStamp & | GetTimeStamp () const |
bool | HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const |
void | InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) |
void | InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const |
virtual void | Modified () const |
void | Register () const override |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) override |
void | UnRegister () const noexcept override |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs) |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs) |
virtual void | SetObjectName (std::string _arg) |
virtual const std::string & | GetObjectName () const |
Pointer | Clone () const |
virtual Pointer | CreateAnother () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual const char * | GetNameOfClass () const |
virtual int | GetReferenceCount () const |
void | Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const |
virtual void | Register () const |
virtual void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
virtual void | UnRegister () const noexcept |
| MeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4 () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| ~MeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4 () override=default |
virtual void | ComputeFixedImageGradientAtPoint (const FixedImagePointType &mappedPoint, FixedImageGradientType &gradient) const |
virtual void | ComputeFixedImageGradientFilterImage () |
virtual void | ComputeMovingImageGradientAtPoint (const MovingImagePointType &mappedPoint, MovingImageGradientType &gradient) const |
virtual void | ComputeMovingImageGradientFilterImage () const |
virtual bool | GetComputeDerivative () const |
virtual void | GetValueAndDerivativeExecute () const |
| ImageToImageMetricv4 () |
virtual void | InitializeForIteration () const |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
bool | TransformAndEvaluateFixedPoint (const VirtualPointType &virtualPoint, FixedImagePointType &mappedFixedPoint, FixedImagePixelType &mappedFixedPixelValue) const |
bool | TransformAndEvaluateMovingPoint (const VirtualPointType &virtualPoint, MovingImagePointType &mappedMovingPoint, MovingImagePixelType &mappedMovingPixelValue) const |
| ~ImageToImageMetricv4 () override=default |
virtual void | InitializeDefaultFixedImageGradientFilter () |
virtual void | InitializeDefaultMovingImageGradientFilter () |
const MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType * | GetMovingDisplacementFieldTransform () const |
| ObjectToObjectMetric () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
bool | TransformPhysicalPointToVirtualIndex (const VirtualPointType &, VirtualIndexType &) const |
void | TransformVirtualIndexToPhysicalPoint (const VirtualIndexType &, VirtualPointType &) const |
virtual void | VerifyDisplacementFieldSizeAndPhysicalSpace () |
bool | VerifyNumberOfValidPoints (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const |
| ~ObjectToObjectMetric () override=default |
| ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| ~ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate () override=default |
| SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template ()=default |
| ~SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template () override=default |
| CostFunctionTemplate ()=default |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| ~CostFunctionTemplate () override=default |
| Object () |
bool | PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
virtual void | SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp) |
| ~Object () override |
virtual LightObject::Pointer | InternalClone () const |
| LightObject () |
virtual void | PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual | ~LightObject () |