ITK Release 4.0¶
This work is supported by ARRA funding from the NLM. The kick-off meeting for this project took place from June 28-July 2 2010 in Bethesda. A beta version of the software will be available by the end of March 2011. Bug fixes will continue to be contributed to the ITK version 3 code.
Release Notes¶
Starting with ITKv4-Alpha-01, the ITK toolkit is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
More details here:
Revision Control¶
Adopt a modern revision control system
Move from cvs to git for distributed source code management
Code Review¶
Adopt a code review system
Powered by Gerrit Code Review
Modern C++¶
Take advantage of advances in C++
Target popular compilers that are compatible with the C++98 and/or C++03 standard (\#Language\_standard).
Specifically remove support for Visual Studio prior to 7.1 (e.g., 6 and 7.0), Borland version 5.5, Sun Studio compilers prior to 5.9, IRIX compilers, MWORKS compilers, cygwin 1.5 (newer versions may work, but are not being targeted), and gcc prior to 3.4
Improved ITK Wrapping at the class level (WrapITK)
Particularly for Python 2.x, Python 3, Java and C#
Addition of Simple ITK Layer
Refactor for Modularity
ITKCore, ITKRegistrationModule, and Optional Modules
Testing Crowdsourcing¶
Improve Software Process¶
Enhanced project management tools and software processes
Data Management¶
Better management for Testing Data
Data Collection MIDAS
Distributed Testing (cdash@home)¶
Testing On Demand cdash@home
Testing Framework¶
New unit testing framework based on Google Test
Particularly to support module development, testing, and maintenance
Coding Style¶
Level Sets¶
Improved DICOM support
Including communications with PACS
Support Streaming interface
Add filter to support Siemens MOSAIC images
Information Object Definition verification
Image Registration Framework¶
Spatial Objects¶
Global Code Review¶
With support for distributed computing in the future
Numerical Libraries¶
Release schedules¶
The Team¶
Wish List¶
Migration Plan (Developers)¶
Migration Guide (for Users)¶
Software Guide (Update)¶
A2D2 Projects¶
New Fields¶
ITKv4 will provide improved support for