ITK Release 4.7¶
New Features
Documentation Improvements
- Update Software Guide registration examples to ITKv4 framework
- Wiki and Sphinx examples are indexed in Doxygen
- Clean Software Guide dashboard build
Filtering Improvements
- New Laplacian deformation filter’s for QuadEdgeMesh’s
- IJ article:
- FFTComplexToComplexImageFilter out of Review, Vnl, FFTW implementations
- Faster recursive Gaussian on VectorImage
ImageIO improvements
- PNG sCAL unit support
- TIFF IO performance greatly improved
- TIFF tags read into Image MetaDataDictionary
- MetaIO updated
- Better support for system GDCM
Infrastructure improvements
- New method to erase a MetaDataDictionary entry
- New global method to set physical space tolerance
- New, experimental thread pool support
- NumericTraits::Zero and ::One are deprecated in favor of ::ZeroValue() and ::OneValue()
- VTK bridge modules only request required VTK modules
New Remote Modules
- Higher Order Accurate Gradient
- IO Transform DCMTK
- Subdivision Quad Edge Mesh Filters
Registration improvements
- LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer supports BSplineTransform
- Transverse inverse consistency increased
- Automatic initialization of the transform center for multi-stage registrations
- Sparse point B-spline field estimate
- Mutual information faster, lower memory usage
Wrapping improvements
- Wrapping now builds without type warnings
- pygccxml bumped to 1.6.2
- Latest GCCXML
- CMake wrapping infrastructure cleanup
- Build with Ninja CMake generator
- New GetTypes() and GetTypesAsList() methods
- ITK_WRAP_PYTHON is exposed in ITKConfig.cmake
Many style improvements – ITK gets more stylish with every release!
Improved code coverage – we are over 85%!
Lots* of important bug fixes
List of changes since v4.7-rc02
Bradley Lowekamp (1):
BUG: IOFDF remote module should stay with InsightConsortium repo
Christopher Mullins (3):
DOC: Fix code overlapping figure
STYLE: Keep the text in the margins
STYLE: Put newline before long doxygen reference
Cory Quammen (1):
BUG: Fix segfaults in ITKExamples
Matthew McCormick (8):
BUG: Reset ITK_MODULES_REQUESTED to all modules with multiple calls.
BUG: Configure against VTK 5.
DOC: Add Doxygen macros for itkSetGetDecoratedObjectMacro.
ENH: Warning when reading a PNG with UNKNOWN unit and non-unit spacing.
BUG: Fix VTK5 module export code.
BUG: Fix LevelSetsv4Visualization VTK variable names.
Michka Popoff (1):
DOC: Improvements for Book1, Chap4
List of changes since v4.7-rc01
Ali Ghayoor (1):
DOC: Revise the registration examples of ITKSoftwareGuide
Arnaud Gelas (3):
ENH: Adding SubdivisionQuadEdgeMeshFilters to ITK as remote module
COMP: address clang -Winconsistent-missing-override in ITKQuadEdgeMesh
COMP: fix warnings on dashboard for Subdivision remote module
Bradley Lowekamp (5):
BUG: Fix segfault when setting displacement field as null
BUG: Don't enable SSE rounding with OSX and gccxml
BUG: Add portable access to Tiff field name
BUG: Fix conversion compilation error
BUG: Rename remote module FDFImageIO -> IOFDF
Christopher Mullins (6):
STYLE: Fix line length in OpenJPEG license for 80 character.
DOC: Finish the ImageLinearIteratorWithIndex example.
DOC: Text and picture problems, book2
BUG: Fix text in margin issues
DOC: Edits for the beginning of chapter 5, Statistics
DOC: Fix empty code block.
Cory Quammen (1):
COMP: Avoid including VTK_USE_FILE within ITK
Kent Williams (1):
ENH: Add test to exercise issue with Transform::GetInverse
Matthew McCormick (7):
BUG: Register AzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform to factories.
DOC: Update texture feature class references.
BUG: Fix texture feature correlation computation for constant image.
STYLE: Put ImageToImageFilterCommon in its own file.
BUG: Wrap ImageToImageFilterCommon.
STYLE: Put ImageSourceCommon in its own file.
COMP: Add missing itkImageRegionSplitterBase to ImageSourceCommon.
Michka Popoff (1):
ENH: Add CVD and CVF types to VectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter wrappings
Ziv Yaniv (1):
COMP: fixed warnings from gcc4.1.2, made implicit casts explicit
List of changes since v4.6.0
Alexander Schmidt-Richberg (1):
ENH: Updated Remote Module VariationalRegistration to new git tag
Ali Ghayoor (10):
ENH: Make ITKv4 compatible with ITKSoftwareGuide
ENH: Add GetCurrentStepLength to RegularStepGradDescentOptv4
ENH: Convert three ImageRegistration Examples to ITKv4
ENH: Add multi-Res and multistage registration Examples to ITKv4
ENH: Convert DeformableReg examples to ITKv4 reg framework
BUG: Expand a test to reflect multi-metric registration bug
BUG: Fix multi metric point sampling bug in ImageRegistrationMethodv4
ENH: Add direct initialization to SyN registration
ENH: Direct initialization of SyN by restoring the state
ENH: LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer supports BSplineTransformType
Arnaud Gelas (15):
COMP: use find_package(VTK COMPONENTS) for LevelSetsv4Visualization
ENH: Importing Laplacian Deformation for QuadEdgeMesh
DOC: Add more explanation about SmoothingQuadEdgeMeshFilter's usage
ENH: SmoothingQuadEdgeMeshFilter::SetCoefficientMethod calls Modified()
ENH: Add progress report in itk::SmoothingQuadEdgeMeshFilter
BUG: fix gdcm version in GDCMImageIO.
COMP: missing cast when calling gdcm::DataElement::SetByteValue
COMP: missing cast when calling gdcm::DataElement::SetByteValue
ENH: increase LaplacianDeformation code coverage
STYLE: use typedef rather than inheritance
BUG: GDCMImageIO was not working properly when m_KeepOriginalUID is false
BUG: split include directories into appropriate cmake variables HDF5
BUG: missing gdcm libraries when using system GDCM
DOC: fix doxygen documentaiton for itk::LaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilter
ENH: Add one method to erase a tag into MetaDataDictionary
Bill Lorensen (5):
ENH: Specify required VTK modules
COMP: Wiki examples require additional vtk modules
ENH: Modify WikiExamples remote config
COMP: Bad test signature
COMP: Update tag for wiki examples
Brad King (6):
COMP: Fix vxl_config_macros usage of CMake check macros
ENH: Use if(DEFINED) to simplify conditions
COMP: Fix vxl_config_macros checks broken by refactoring
COMP: Fix one more vxl_config_macros check broken by refactoring
BUG: Fix itk_module_config for repeated calls
BUG: Fix itk_module_config for repeated calls
Bradley Lowekamp (52):
ENH: Adding License file from upstream MetaIO
ENH: Adding script to update MetaIO from upstream
ENH: Remove ITK MetaIO to prepare for upstream import
PERF: Remove dynamically allocated temporary in evaluate method
COMP: Fix variable type for Set/Get macros
BUG: Implement ITK Style Singleton design pattern
ENH: Add no throw exception specification for UnRegister methods
COMP: Must specify order as
“noexcept`` ``override
BUG: Add GetInverse for IdentityTransform
ENH: Adding SetIdentity method to base DisplacementField class
BUG: Remove unused redefinition of NULL
BUG: Don't print to std::cout in PrintSelf
ENH: Prefer the PrintSelfObjectMacro for printing nested objects
BUG: Use METER of sCAL scale unit
BUG: Use METER of sCAL scale unit
COMP: Fix signed to unsigned int comparison
BUG: Fix overflows computing size of read tiff image
ENH: Extract TiffReaderInternal to separate file
ENH: Refactor ReadTwoSamplePerPixelImage into template function
ENH: Refactor GenericReadImage into template function
BUG: Remove Zeiss 2-channel support code in TIFFImageIO ( and LSMImageIO )
ENH: Refactor method to convert RGBA image to output buffer
ENH: Refactor duplicated code to read a page
BUG: Fix right oriented tiff images
BUG: Remove dead separated plannar code, add test
STYLE: Fix minor kwstyle defects in test and test results
BUG: Use array delete operator for array new allocations
ENH: add arbitrary TIFF TAGs to meta-data dictionary
ENH: Reduce code duplicate in TIFFImageIO::ReadCurrentPage
BUG: Address Coverity warning about null pointer dereferences
ENH: Remove support for TIFF tile as 3D and dead code
ENH: RGBA read images should stay unchanged.
BUG: Override method to MakeOutput by name
ENH: Refactor per pixel conversion function to per scan-line method
PERF: Refactor color table lookup
BUG: Adding missing parentheses around boolean expression
ENH: adding TIFFImageIO test for RGB palette images
PERF: Improve recursive Gaussian perfromance with VectorImages
ENH: Query libtiff to determine compression support
BUG: Support TIFF tiled image with TIFFReadRGBAImage
BUG: Use SizeValueType for length of scanline
PERF: Store causal results directly in output buffers
COMP: Add explicit conversion to const char
COMP: Explicitly add override to GetNameOfClass method
COMP: Address internal segmentation fault with Intel compiler
ENH: Adding method to set global physical space tolerance
COMP: Explicitly add override to GetNameOfClass method
BUG: Add new TypeMacro for non-overloaded classes
BUG: Fix obscure race condition on access thread pool initialization
BUG: Updating FDFImageIO remote module
Christopher Mullins (15):
COMP: Allows latex to compile for ITKSoftwareGuide
COMP: Allows latex to compile for ITKSoftwareGuide
COMP: Wrap MeshBase templates
COMP: Wrap MeshBase templates
COMP: Fix warning in BlockMatchingImageFilter
STYLE: Line lengths in examples should be no longer than 80 chars.
COMP: Wrap the remaining MeshBase and MeshToMeshFilter types.
COMP: Fix LaTeX warnings.
STYLE: Fix formatting/punctuation errors.
STYLE: Formatting and punctuation fixes.
DOC: Edits for Book 2 Chapter 1 documentation in the Examples.
DOC: Edits for book 2 chapter 2.
DOC: More chapter 2 edits
DOC: Book 2 Chapter 3 edits (part 1)
DOC: book 2 chapter 4 Segmentation edits
Danny Perry (2):
BUG: adding test for vnl_sparse_matrix::mult()
BUG: size of q buffer should actually be (this->rows())*pcols.
David T. Chen (1):
DOC: Fixed HistogramThresholdImageFitler
Dirk Padfield (1):
BUG: Corrected processing of last sigma
GCC-XML Upstream (1):
ENH: pygccxml v1.6.2 (reduced)
Gert Wollny (1):
COMP: Fix SSE2 build errors with WrapITK on GCC 4.9. (ForRelease)
Girish Mallya (1):
BUG: Tests added for BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter for single-row images.
Hans Johnson (24):
COMP: Add tolerance for comparing floating point
PERF: Remove non-threadable algorithm components
COMP: Add tolerance for comparing floating point
PERF: Remove non-threadable algorithm components
PERF: Remove large foot print of PDF derivatives.
PERF: Revert Remove large foot print of PDF derivatives.
STYLE: Test against almost equal for floating point values
STYLE: Non-exact floating point testing
PERF: Distribute initialization per thread buffers
ENH: Remove unnecessary mutable qualifier.
STYLE: Remove comment with no meaning.
ENH: Moved accumlator logic to main MI class
ENH: Allow staggering of accumulations per thread.
PERF: Zero reset thread buffers during finalize
BUG: Syntax error in comment
PERF: Add non-blocking mutex locking.
ENH: Use TryLock minimize thread stalls
BUG: ThreadedIndexedContainerPartitioner is inclusive
STYLE: Remove include_regular_expression from Examples
BUG: Demonstrate Inv(Inv(T)) != T
BUG: Ensure Inv(Inv(T)) == T for transforms
COMP: Valgrind detects uninitialized memory read
COMP: Missing required base class API component
ENH: Expand interface for selecting threadpool
Ismael Belghiti (1):
DOC: Spelling Error in PatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilter
Jim Miller (1):
STYLE: Removing what appears to be a temporary file
Johan Andruejol (1):
ENH: Fix normalization for null vectors and return the norm
Jon Haitz Legarreta (1):
ENH: New test for itkLabelShapeOpeningImageFilter
Kent Williams (9):
COMP: use find_package(VTK COMPONENTS) to specify just needed VTK Components
BUG: ImageSources/test/CMakeLists.txt incorrect library var reference
COMP: Fix coverity defects related to RegistrationV4 examples
COMP: silence warning of vnl_vector_fixed_ref::assert_size
COMP: Fix various Coverity warnings
COMP: Fix a typo in an error message print statement.
COMP: itk::Command-derived class used pointless dynamic_cast.
PERF: Don't recompute InternalInverse repeatedly
COMP: Correct orientation/spacing for Philips MultiFrame
Mark Hiner (2):
ENH: Update SCIFIO remote module hash
BUG: Fix duplicate variables in Windows
Matthew McCormick (105):
DOC: Fix itkSetGetDecoratedInputMacro Doxygen macro.
ENH: Move FFTComplexToComplexImageFilter out of Review.
ENH: Add VnlComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter.
BUG: Use fixed seed for Vnl FFT tests for repeatibility.
ENH: Bump CMakeLists.txt version to 4.7.0.
BUG: future imports must occur at the beginning.
BUG: Do not run vnl_test_na with broken libc++.
DOC: Remove Image2.cxx reference from Book 2.
DOC: Fix Software Guide page overruns in IterativeClosestPoint3.cxx.
DOC: Remove references to Book 1 sections from Book 2.
DOC: Make BinaryThresholdImageFilter not floating.
DOC: Fix Software Guide figure caption for FlipImageFilter.
DOC: Avoid duplicate figure description in ResampleImageFilter2.cxx.
DOC: Remove duplicate figure in LaplacianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter2.cxx.
DOC: ImageRandomConstIteratorWithIndex table reference.
DOC: Fix Software Guide page overruns in IterativeClosestPoint{1,2}.cxx.
DOC: Remove duplicate text in LaplacianRecursiveGaussian example.
BUG: Uninitialized m_TransformDirection in ComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter.
BUG: Fix offset[2] in PointSetToSpatialObjectDemonsRegistrationTest.
STYLE: Fix style in VoronoiDiagram2D.
BUG: Fix invalid assignment of second VoronoiBoundaryOrigin.
BUG: Bump GCCXML to 2014-08-06.
BUG: Remove unused m_{SplitEpsilon,SigmoidPrimeOffset}.
BUG: Fix Win MultiThreader check for successful process creation.
BUG: Fix VTKPolyDataMeshIO writing for 2D second rank tensor.
COMP: Fix ImageRegistration8RegisteredSlice.png baseline name.
DOC: itk::statistics -> itk::Statistics.
COMP: Fix transform type for ITKv3/IterativeClosestPoint2.
BUG: Fix invalid assignment of second VoronoiBoundaryOrigin.
COMP: Improve const correctness of GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.
BUG: Call clear instead of empty on PatchBasedDenoising EmptyCaches().
BUG: Fix Size() in ImageToListSampleAdaptor for VectorImage's.
COMP: ThreadJob NULL not defined.
BUG: Fix alpha assignment for RGBA TIFF.
COMP: Remove unused typedefs in LevelSetsv4Visualization.
COMP: Remove unused typedef's in VtkGlue.
ENH: Mark BSplineWarping2Test as RUNS_LONG.
BUG: Fix Nifti IO read with large images.
COMP: Remove call for non-existent variable in Nifti debugging.
BUG: Close the file on Read and Write in HDF5TransformIO.
BUG: Remove InsightLegacy test code from TransformHDF5Test.
ENH: Add {Set,Get}TransformIO for TransformFile{Reader,Writer}.
STYLE: Use SeriesUIDContainerType and FileNamesContainerType
ENH: Allow specification of orthogonality tolerance in rigid transforms.
BUG: TransformFileReader does not clear its TransformList.
BUG: Prevent dangling pointer in HDF5TransformIO.
COMP: Do not use _stat64 with MinGW-32.
BUG: Improve thread-safety and performance of PCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction.
DOC: itk::statistics -> itk::Statistics.
DOC: Remove duplicate text in LaplacianRecursiveGaussian example.
DOC: Fix Software Guide page overruns in IterativeClosestPoint{1,2}.cxx.
COMP: Address LaplacianDeformation Doxygen warnings.
BUG: TransformFileReader does not clear its TransformList.
BUG: Prevent dangling pointer in HDF5TransformIO.
COMP: Fix missing prefix in ITKv3ImageRegistration20Test.
BUG: Do not return SmartPointers in TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform
COMP: Do not wrap the FixedArray of Image SmartPointer's.
COMP: Add missing wrapping for TransformIOBaseTemplate.
COMP: Mark DeformableRegistration6Test as RUNS_LONG.
STYLE: Improve style in BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter.
BUG: Fix BinaryImageToLabelMapFilter on 1D image.
ENH: Improve precision of the joint PDF sum
BUG: Fix BinShrinkImageFilter for different input/output image types.
COMP: Fix transform type for ITKv3/IterativeClosestPoint2.
BUG: Use -py3 when building wrapping for Python 3.
COMP: Add missing wrapping for TransformIOBaseTemplate.
DOC: Improve ImageRegistration4 grammar.
ENH: Add IOTransformDCMTK Remote module.
BUG: gdcm::StringFilter recognizes backslash delimiter.
DOC: Add migration guide for GDCM Rescale slope intercept apply on write.
COMP: Remove unused typedef's in GPU code.
STYLE: Improve style of HoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter example.
COMP: Use ConceptChecking for IterativeInverse dimension check.
COMP: Wrap TransformIOBaseTemplate for const SmartPointer.
COMP: Add warning exceptions for third party pcre, swig, gccxml.
ENH: Bump ITK version to 4.6.1.
BUG: Add missing ITK_OVERRIDE to ITKImageeSources module.
BUG: Remove GaussianImageSource members shadowing GenerateImageSource.
STYLE: Style fixes to ITKImageSources module.
BUG: GaussianSpatialFunction and GaborImageSource use SpacePrecisionType.
BUG: Do not perform itk_download_attempt_check when not building ITK.
DOC: Update GDCMImageIO rescale slope intercept doc.
BUG: Only register requestion IO COMPONENT modules.
BUG: Fix wrapping .i, .idx CMake dependencies.
COMP: Add VTK Python module when wrapping ITKVtkGlue.
STYLE: Remove NULL definition in itkVoronoiDiagram2DGenerator.
STYLE: VoronoiDiagram2DGenerator defines a VoronoiDiagramType typedef.
COMP: Add missing VTK module dependency for LevelSetsv4Visualization.
BUG: By default, do not create any fixed parameters.
STYLE: Remove trivial method comments in itkTransform.hxx.
BUG: PolylineMask Filter's GenerateData is protected / virtual.
ENH: Add HigherOrderAccurateGradient Module.
BUG: Use input RequestedRegion Index in SliceBySliceImageFilter internal.
COMP: Remove extra semi-colon, variable scope in DCMTKFileReader.
STYLE: Style fixes for Transform classes.
DOC: Increase Doxygen LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE.
BUG: MatrixOffsetTransformBase::GetFixedParameters not thread safe.
DOC: Index Wiki examples with Doxygen.
COMP: Bump SphinxExamples remote module.
DOC: Index Sphinx examples in Doxygen.
COMP: Remove old java examples.
COMP: Remove duplicate DiffusionTensor3DReconstruction example reference.
COMP: Address GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter example settings.
COMP: Bump Sphinx Examples remote.
COMP: Bump WikiExamples remote.
MetaIO Maintainers (1):
MetaIO (reduced)
Michka Popoff (40):
ENH: Fixes for python 3 support
BUG: Add VTK_VERSION for older VTK versions
BUG: Improve SWIG version check
COMP: Add wrapping for ThreadPool and ThreadJob
COMP: Remove unimplemented DestroyPool method
COMP: Fix itkVnlComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter wrapping
COMP: Do not hide pygccxml warnings
ENH: Update links in readme file
BUG: Improve SWIG version check
BUG: Add VTK_VERSION for older VTK versions
STYLE: Remove trailing whitespaces
BUG: Fix memory leak in MetaImageIO after exception
ENH: Add script to update pygccxml from upstream
BUG: Update VTK minimum version (for release)
BUG: Fix memory leak in MetaImageIO after exception
ENH: Remove Sun OS compatibility for the wrappings
COMP: Fix for conversion to non-pointer like type warning
STYLE: LabelObject style
DOC: Remove broken link from LabelObject class description
ENH: Do not setup the python tests if not asked
ENH: Add new GetTypes() and GetTypesAsList() methods to the template class
COMP: Fix CMP0054 warnings in wrappings
STYLE: Remove old cmake < 2.8.4 specific code
STYLE: Remove old cmake < 2.8.5 specific code
ENH: Update to PCRE 8.36
COMP: Refactor Wrapping setup and fix legacy warnings
ENH: Add wrapping configuration to ITKConfig.cmake
STYLE: Some minor code cleanup in the wrapping setup
DOC: Fix typo in RelabelComponentImageFilter
ENH: Deprecate VectorResampleImageFilter
DOC: Add migration guide for ::Zero and ::One
ENH: Deprecate ::Zero and ::One
ENH: Add option to disable sorting by size in itkRelabelComponentImageFilter
ENH: Add Vector and RGB wrapping to linear interpolator
STYLE: Remove SORT macro in wrappings
COMP: Fix warning for InterpolateImageFunction wrapping
COMP: Add a check for Blocks in GPU module
COMP: Bump SCIFIO to fix test build warnings
COMP: Fix wrapping of itkImageFunctionBase
Nick Tustison (7):
BUG: Need to explicitly specify spline order.
ENH: Initializing the transform center.
BUG: Need to check the dynamic cast before any calls.
ENH: Adding modifications for point set metrics.
BUG: Need to specify TInternalComputationValueType for default metric.
ENH: Adding sparse points to B-spline field estimate.
BUG: Uninitialized variables.
Richard Beare (1):
ENH: Include TIFF tags in the MetaDataDictionary
Taylor Braun-Jones (1):
BUG: Fix SliceBySliceImageFilter doesn't propagate information internally
Umang B (1):
ENH: Use thread pool to dispatch multithreading tasks
Vivien Delmon (2):
BUG: ExtractImageFilter::CollapseToSubMatrix fix
ENH: Add a test on extracted directions in CollapseToSubMatrix mode
Vladimir S. FONOV (1):
BUG: Fixing incorrect MINC style inverse transform
ITK Sphinx Examples Changelog
Arnaud Gelas (12):
add one example to translate one itk::Image
add PasteImageFilter example
fix path in
BUG: error when TEST_IMAGE_PREFIX was used
fix broken links as detected by linkcheck
add example for PermuteAxesImageFilter
Add one example to apply an affine transform given homogeneous matrix
Add one example to multiply 2 images
use ITK 4.6.1 for superbuild
update breathe to 3.1.0
Add one example to generate slices from volume
Add one example about RegionOfInterestImageFilter
Brad King (1):
setup-hooks: Create .git hooks directory if necessary
Matt McCormick (15):
ENH: Bump ITK Superbuild tag to 4.6.0.
BUG: Fix ConvertAnITKGrayScaleImageToCVMat compare_to_baseline.
COMP: Remove breathe link to ConstantPadImageFilter.
BUG: Fix figure path for Iterative Hole Filling.
BUG: Evolution.gif needs to be ..only:: html
COMP: Content not permitted in image:: directive.
BUG: Require CMake 2.8.6 in CreateNewExample template.
BUG: Update for new compare_to_baseline syntax.
COMP: Fix ITKMathematicalMorphology COMPONENT dependency.
COMP: Fix build as a Remote module.
COMP: Fix fresh configuration as an ITK module.
COMP: Fix configuration ITK_WRAP_PYTHON is not defined.
BUG: Annotate ReadUnknownImageType component type correctly.
ENH: Bump Superbuild VTK version to 6.1.0.
ENH: Bump Superbuild ITK version to 4.7.0.
Michka Popoff (15):
COMP: Fix failing setup of SegmentBloodVessels example
STYLE: Update title for Apply Affine Transform example
ENH: Add GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter example
COMP: Fix failing MultiplyTwoImagesTestBaselineComparison test
COMP: Add images to the MultiplyTwoImages documentation
COMP: Fix and improve ForwardFFTExample
COMP: Fix Multiply two images output
COMP: Update all cmake versions to 2.8.6
COMP: Fix MultiplyTwoImagesTestBaselineComparison
ENH: Add infrastructure for Python tests
ENH: Add example on how to resample a RGB image
BUG: Add missing images to ResampleAVectorImage documentation
COMP: Fix path for favicon
COMP: Fix for CleanQuadEdgeMesh documentation
BUG: Add missing semicolon to example
ITK Software Guide Changelog
Ali Ghayoor (4):
ENH: Part one of converting Registration chapter to ITKv4
ENH: Part two of converting Registration chapter to ITKv4
ENH: Part three of converting Registration chapter to ITKv4
DOC: Revise the registration chapter
Christopher Mullins (16):
COMP: Use RegistrationITKv3 examples with ITKv3_COMPATIBILITY
STYLE: Use minted to highlight code syntax
DOC: Add instructions for using ITK from python
COMP: Sort and run the examples topologically.
COMP: add_custom_command no longer takes SOURCE parameter
STYLE: Fix python indentation
COMP: BuildTexFiles target should depend on SoftwareGuideExamples
COMP: Update the .eps generation command to use the OUTPUT signature.
STYLE: Fix quotes.
DOC: Language edits mostly from Book 2
ENH: Only flip the images we want to flip
BUG: Figure overlaps text in 4.3.
DOC: More language fixes, use minted instead of code tags.
STYLE: Put a new line before code blocks
STYLE: Fix margin problems with filenames and floating figure overlaps
STYLE: Change margins using the geometry package.
Hans Johnson (1):
ENH: Bring ITK code closer to the 4.7 release code
Matt McCormick (25):
ENH: Pass PDF_QUALITY_LEVEL in superbuild.
BUG: Remove unused imports.
ENH: Reduce verbosity of
BUG: Do not include RegistrationITKv4 example sources in the build.
BUG: Fix caption on Confidence Connectened on BrainWeb figures.
BUG: Bump the ITK superbuild for LaTeX fixes.
ENH: Add new ISBN numbers.
DOC: CDash has replaced Dart.
DOC: itk::statistics -> itk::Statistics.
ENH: Update ITK logo.
STYLE: Remove box around CC logo.
DOC: Document instructions for building from the Docker image.
DOC: Docker build instruction improvements.
ENH: New path for starting the docker environment.
ENH: Change paper size.
COMP: Improve arguments for GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter.
ENH: Bump ITK Superbuild version to 2014-12-03.
ENH: Add contributors for print release.
ENH: Upsample when building with PDF_QUALITY_LEVEL
BUG: Specify cc-by logo size explicitly.
BUG: Use original ITK configuration images.
ENH: Use file(COPY to copy over .eps images.
ENH: Margin tightening.
ENH: Bump ITK ExternalProject to v4.7.0.
Michka Popoff (5):
ENH: Use the new licence file for MetaIO
DOC: Fixes for the ITK 4.7 book
DOC: Fixes for book1, part1, chapter 2
DOC: Fixes and improvements for Book 1, chapter 3
DOC: Minor fixes for Book 1, Chapter 4
Sandy McKenzie (1):
STYLE: Add new line before code block
ITKApps Changelog
Bill Lorensen (1):
Matt McCormick (4):
COMP: Use ::ZeroValue() instead of ::Zero.
COMP: Patch FLTK for build against newer freetype.
COMP: Address %d type for VolviewPlugins.
ENH: Bump ITK Superbuild version to v4.7.0.