Build ITK Python packages

We can generate Python wrappings and package them as Python wheels in order to conveniently distribute and use the ITK C++ library in Python scripts. In most cases community members can use the general ITK Python distributions on the Python Package Index (PyPI) for their projects.

pip install itk

In some cases developers may need to build ITK Python wrappings for local testing without distribution. Visit the ITK Software Guide “Wrapping” section to learn more about that process.

Additionally, InsightSoftwareConsortium maintainers build ITK Python packages with each release candidate on Kitware build systems and upload them to the ITKPythonPackage GitHub releases page.

This section describes how to build Python packages for the main ITK libraries using the ITKPythonPackage project. Follow the steps below to reproduce the build process used to generate the official ITK Python release packages.


Building ITK Python wheels requires the following:

Automated Platform Scripts

The following sections outline how to use the ITKPythonPackage project to build wheels on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Each script will fetch tagged ITK sources, build ITK with Python wrappings, and package binaries into the Python wheel archive format for distribution.


On any linux distribution with docker and bash installed, running the script will create 64-bit wheels for Python 3.x in the dist directory. A Python version to target may be passed as a trailing argument, or passing no arguments will target all default Python versions.

In addition, the environment variables MANYLINUX_VERSION and IMAGE_TAG may be set before calling the script to control the dockcross Docker image and target a specific platform type. See ITKPythonPackage for more information.

For example:

git clone

pushd ITKPythonPackage
./scripts/ cp38

ls -1 dist/


First, install the macOS Python distributions. This step requires sudo:


Then, run to build the wheels. A Python version may be targetd by passing a trailing argument to the script. See ITKPythonPackage for environment variables used by

git clone

./scripts/ cp38

ls -1 dist/


First, install Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 and ensure that Visual Studio, Git, Python, and CMake are part of the system PATH environment variable.

Open a PowerShell terminal as Administrator, and install Python:

PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
PS C:\> $pythonArch = "64"
PS C:\> iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))

Clone the ITKPythonPackage project into a short directory to avoid path length limitations on Windows. Also, it is necessary to disable antivirus checking on the C:\IPP directory. Otherwise, the build system conflicts with the antivirus when many files are created and deleted quickly, which can result in Access Denied errors. Windows 10 ships with an antivirus application, Windows Defender, that is enabled by default.

PS C:\Windows> cd C:\
PS C:\> git clone IPP
PS C:\> cd IPP

Then run the script. The --help argument may be used to list available build options, including target Python versions and CMake options.

PS C:\IPP> .\scripts\

PS C:\IPP> ls dist

Uploading to PyPI

InsightSoftwareConsortiums may upload ITK package wheels to PyPI using twine.

First, install dependencies:

python -m pip install twine

Then, upload packages to the PyPI testing server:

python -m twine upload -r pypitest dist/*

After verifying distributions appear correctly on the testing server, upload the packages to the production PyPI server:

python -m twine upload dist/*

The updated ITK Python wheels are now available for general installation:

python -m pip install itk

ITKPythonBuilds Archives

In addition to PyPI releases, the InsightSoftwareConsortium releases ITK build archives at ITKPythonBuilds/releases. Those archives contain ITK sources and binaries required for building ITK external modules with ITK Python wrappings.

Scripts are available in ITKPythonPackage to generate build archives on each platform after automated builds are generated above:





