Python Quick Start¶


To install the ITK Python package:

pip install itk


Basic example¶

Here is a simple Python script that reads an image, applies a median image filter (radius of 2 pixels), and writes the resulting image in a file.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import itk
import sys

input_filename = sys.argv[1]
output_filename = sys.argv[2]

image = itk.imread(input_filename)

median = itk.median_image_filter(image, radius=2)

itk.imwrite(median, output_filename)

ITK and NumPy¶

A common use case for using ITK in Python is to mingle NumPy and ITK operations on raster data. ITK provides a large number of I/O image formats and several sophisticated image processing algorithms not available in any other packages. The ability to intersperse that with the SciPy ecosystem provides a great tool for rapid prototyping.

The following script shows how to integrate NumPy and itk.Image:

import itk
import numpy as np

# Read input image
itk_image = itk.imread(input_image_filename)

# Run filters on itk.Image

# View only of itk.Image, pixel data is not copied
array_view = itk.array_view_from_image(itk_image)

# Copy of itk.Image, pixel data is copied
array_copy = itk.array_from_image(itk_image)
# Equivalent
array_copy = np.asarray(itk_image)

# Image metadata
# Sequences, e.g. spacing, are in zyx (NumPy) indexing order
metadata = dict(itk_image)

# Pixel array and image metadata together
# in standard Python data types + NumPy array
# Sequences, e.g. spacing, are in xyz (ITK) indexing order
image_dict = itk.dict_from_image(itk_image)

# Do interesting things...

# Convert back to ITK, view only, data is not copied
itk_image_view = itk.image_view_from_array(array_copy)

# Convert back to ITK, data is copied
itk_image_copy = itk.image_from_array(array_copy)

# Add the metadata
for k, v in metadata.items():
    itk_image_view[k] = v

# Save result
itk.imwrite(itk_image_view, output_image_filename)

# Convert back to itk image data structure
itk_image = itk.image_from_dict(image_dict)

ITK’s itk.Mesh class also works seamlessly with NumPy:

# Read input mesh
itk_mesh = itk.meshread(input_mesh_filename)

# Convert to standard Python data types + NumPy arrays for points, cells
mesh_dict = itk.dict_from_mesh(itk_mesh)

# Do interesting things...

# Convert back to itk mesh data structure
itk_mesh = itk.mesh_from_dict(mesh_dict)

# Save result
itk.meshwrite(itk_mesh, output_mesh_filename)

ITK’s itk.Transform class also works seamlessly with NumPy:

# Read input transforms
# This is a Python list
# When there is more than one transformation
# the list defines a transformation chain
itk_transforms = itk.transformread(input_transform_filename)

# Convert to standard Python data types + NumPy arrays
transform_dicts = [itk.dict_from_transform(t) for t in itk_transforms]

# Do interesting things...

# Convert back to itk transform instance
itk_transforms = [itk.transform_from_dict(t) for t in transform_dicts]

# Save result
itk.transformwrite(itk_transforms, output_transform_filename)

The itk.Matrix, VNL vectors, and VNL matrices can be converted back and forth with their NumPy counterparts:

# VNL matrix from np.ndarray
arr = np.zeros([3,3], np.uint8)
matrix = itk.vnl_matrix_from_array(arr)

# Array from VNL matrix
arr = itk.array_from_vnl_matrix(matrix)

# VNL vector from np.ndarray
vec = np.zeros([3], np.uint8)
vnl_vector = itk.vnl_vector_from_array(vec)

# Array from VNL vector
vec = itk.array_from_vnl_vector(vnl_vector)

# itk.Matrix from np.ndarray
mat = itk.matrix_from_array(np.eye(3))

# np.ndarray from itk.Matrix
arr = itk.array_from_matrix(mat)
# Equivalent
arr = np.asarray(mat)

ITK and ITK-Wasm¶

ITK-Wasm can be used with native itk Python bindings.

Both packages support common Python dictionary representations of the data structures used on interfaces. The non-dictionary types are more convenient to work with directly and provide strong typing for function calls.

Convert from itkwasm to itk¶

To convert from an itkwasm dataclass interface type to a native itk Python type, first convert the itkwasm type to a dictionary, then use the itk.<type>_from_dict function. Example:

import itk
from itkwasm import Image
from dataclasses import asdict

itkwasm_image = Image()
image_dict = asdict(itkwasm_image)

itk_image = itk.image_from_dict(image_dict)

Convert from itk to itkwasm¶

To convert from a native itk Python type to an itkwasm dataclass interface type, first convert the itkwasm type to a dictionary the itk.<type>_from_dict, then pass the dictionary as keyword arguments to itkwasm constructor with the ** operator. Example:

import itk
from itkwasm import Image

# Create an itk.Image
itk_image = itk.Image.New()
image_dict = itk.dict_from_image(itk_image)

itkwasm_image = Image(**image_dict)

itkwasm file formats¶

itkwasm provides file formats corresponding to its interface types. These file formats keep Wasm module sizes tiny, enable efficient and one-to-one serialization, assist with debugging, and bridge with Web3 technologies.

The file extensions for these formats are .iwi and .iwm for images and mesh-like data, respectively. When written, these will output directories with an index.json file and raw binary files. When .iwi.cbor or .iwm.cbor extensions are used, a single CBOR file is created.

These file formats can also be used with native ITK Python.

Install the binary Python package:

pip install itk-webassemblyinterface

Then use with itk.imread, itk.imwrite, itk.meshread, itk.meshwrite. Example:

import itk

image = itk.imread('cthead1.png')
itk.imwrite(image, 'cthead1.iwi')
itk.imwrite(image, 'cthead1.iwi.cbor')

mesh = itk.meshread('cow.vtk')
itk.meshwrite(mesh, 'cow.iwm')
itk.meshwrite(mesh, 'cow.iwm.cbor')

ITK and Xarray¶

An itk.Image can be converted to and from an xarray.DataArray while preserving metadata:

da = itk.xarray_from_image(image)

image = itk.image_from_xarray(da)

ITK and VTK¶

An itk.Image can be converted to and from a vtk.vtkImageData while preserving metadata:

vtk_image = itk.vtk_image_from_image(image)

image = itk.image_from_vtk_image(vtk_image)

ITK and napari¶

An itk.Image can be converted to and from a napari.layers.Image while preserving metadata with the itk-napari-conversion package.

ITK Python types¶

C++ type

Python type

NumPy dtype







unsigned char






This list is not exhaustive and is only presented to illustrate the type names. The complete list of types can be found in the ITK Software Guide.

Types can also be obtained from their name in the C programming language:

itk.F == itk.ctype('float')  # True

To cast the pixel type of an image, use .astype:

image = itk.imread(input_filename)

# Cast to an unsigned char pixel type
cast_image = image.astype(itk.UC)

# Equivalent
cast_image = image.astype(np.uint8)

itk.imwrite(cast_image, output_filename)

Metadata dictionary¶

An itk.Image has a metadata dict of key: value pairs.

The metadata dictionary can be retrieved with:

meta_dict = dict(image)

For example:

In [3]: dict(image)
{'0008|0005': 'ISO IR 100',
 '0008|0008': 'ORIGINAL\\PRIMARY\\AXIAL',
 '0008|0016': '1.2.840.10008.',
 '0008|0018': '',
 '0008|0020': '20010822',

Individual dictionary items can be accessed or assigned:


image["origin"] = [4.0, 2.0, 2.0]

In the Python dictionary interface to image metadata, keys for the spatial metadata, the ‘origin’, ‘spacing’, and ‘direction’, are reversed in order from image.GetOrigin(), image.GetSpacing(), image.GetDirection() to be consistent with the NumPy array index order resulting from pixel buffer array views on the image.

Access pixel data with NumPy indexing¶

Array views of an itk.Image provide a way to set and get pixel values with NumPy indexing syntax, e.g.:

In [6]: image[0,:2,4] = [5,5]

In [7]: image[0,:4,4:6]
NDArrayITKBase([[    5,  -997],
                [    5, -1003],
                [ -993,  -999],
                [ -996,  -994]], dtype=int16)

Input/Output (I/O)¶

Convenient functions are provided read and write from ITK’s many supported file formats:

image = itk.imread("image.tif")

# Read in with a specific pixel type.
image = itk.imread("image.tif", itk.F)

# Read in an image series.
# Pass a sorted list of files.
image = itk.imread(["image1.png", "image2.png", "image3.png"])

# Read in a volume from a DICOM series.
# Pass a directory.
# Only a single series, sorted spatially, will be returned.
image = itk.imread("/a/dicom/directory/")

# Write an image.
itk.imwrite(image, "image.tif")

# Read a mesh.
mesh = itk.meshread("mesh.vtk")

# Write a mesh.
itk.meshwrite(mesh, "mesh.vtk")

# Read a spatial transform.
transform = itk.transformread("transform.h5")

# Write a spatial transform.
itk.transformwrite(transform, "transform.h5")

Image filters and Image-like inputs and outputs¶

All itk functional image filters operate on an itk.Image but also:

* Preserves image metadata

Filter parameters¶

ITK filter parameters can be specified in the following ways:

# Pythonic snake case keyword arguments:
#   number_of_iterations
smoothed = itk.anti_alias_binary_image_filter(image, number_of_iterations=3)

# CamelCase keyword arguments:
#   NumberOfIterations
smoother = itk.AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter.New(image, NumberOfIterations=3)
smoothed = smoother.GetOutput()

# CamelCase Set method:
#   SetNumberOfIterations
smoother = itk.AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter.New(image)
smoothed = smoother.GetOutput()

Filter types¶

In itk, filters are optimized at compile time for each image pixel type and image dimension. There are two ways to instantiate these filters with the itk Python wrapping:

  • Implicit (recommended): Type information is automatically detected from the data. Typed filter objects and images are implicitly created.

image = itk.imread(input_filename)

# Use ITK's functional, Pythonic interface. The filter type is implied by the
# type of the input image. The filter is eagerly executed, and the output image
# is directly returned.
smoothed = itk.median_image_filter(image)

# Alternatively, create filter objects. These filter objects can be connected in
# a pipeline to stream-process large datasets. To generate the output of the
# pipeline, .Update() must explicitly be called on the last filter of the
# pipeline.
# We can implicitly instantiate the filter object based on the type
# of the input image in multiple ways.

# Use itk.ImageFileReader instead of the wrapping function,
# itk.imread to illustrate this example.
ImageType = itk.Image[itk.UC, 2]
reader = itk.ImageFileReader[ImageType].New(FileName=input_filename)
# Here we specify the filter input explicitly
median = itk.MedianImageFilter.New(Input=reader.GetOutput())
# Same as above but shortened. Input does not have to be specified.
median = itk.MedianImageFilter.New(reader.GetOutput())
# Same as above. .GetOutput() does not have to be specified.
median = itk.MedianImageFilter.New(reader)

smoothed = median.GetOutput()
  • Explicit: This can be useful if an appropriate type cannot be determined implicitly or when a different filter type than the default is desired.

To specify the type of the filter, use the ttype keyword argument. Explicit instantiation of a median image filter:

# An apriori ImageType
PixelType = itk.F
ImageType = itk.Image[PixelType,2]
image = itk.imread(input_filename, PixelType)

# An image type dynamically determined from the type on disk
image = itk.imread(input_filename)
ImageType = type(image)

# Functional interface
# The `ttype` keyword argument specifies the filter type.
smoothed = itk.median_image_filter(image, ttype=(ImageType, ImageType))

# Object-oriented interface
reader = itk.ImageFileReader[ImageType].New(file_name=input_filename)
median = itk.MedianImageFilter[ImageType, ImageType].New()
smoothed = median.GetOutput()

Instantiate an ITK object¶

There are two types of ITK objects. Most ITK objects, such as images, filters, or adapters, are instantiated the following way:

InputType = itk.Image[itk.F,3]
OutputType = itk.Image[itk.F,3]
median = itk.MedianImageFilter[InputType, OutputType].New()

Some objects, like a Matrix, Vector, or RGBPixel, do not require the attribute .New() to be added to instantiate them:

pixel = itk.RGBPixel[itk.UC]()

In case of doubt, look at the attributes of the object you are trying to instantiate.


Examples can be found in the ITKSphinxExamples project.