Download ITK¶

💾 Current release¶

More information on this release can be found in the release notes.

Python packages¶

To install the ITK Python packages,

pip install itk

Additionally, wheels for external modules are available through the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Release artifacts¶

Guide and Textbook

Library Sources

Testing Data

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.


Additional releases can be downloaded from ITK’s GitHub Releases page.

✨ Latest pre-release¶

More information on this release can be found in the release notes.

Python packages¶

To install the ITK Python packages,

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --pre --upgrade itk

Release artifacts¶

Guide and Textbook

Library Sources

Testing Data

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.


📦 Package managers¶

ITK packages exist for many Linux distributions. For Debian and Ubuntu, they can be obtained running

sudo apt-get install libinsighttoolkit5-dev

This will give you the libraries and development headers.

In GNU Guix, install ITK with:

guix install insight-toolkit

For information on other ITK packages and packages for other distributions, see this blog post.

ITK is available in vcpkg as itk:

vcpkg install itk

If you’re a Homebrew user, you can install itk via:

brew install itk

🚀 Latest sources with Git¶

First, download and install Git.

Note that the software must be compiled from source using CMake and your favorite C++ compiler. The toolkit can be installed, but it is not necessary; it can be used directly from its build directory. See the ITK Software Guide for further information on configuring and building ITK.


Clone ITK using the commands

git clone
cd ITK

The latest stable release can be cloned into a local repository using

git clone -b release ITKLatestRelease

where ITKLatestRelease is the name of the local repository created.

Additionally, specific releases can be cloned using the tags, for example:

git clone -b v5.3.0 ITK-5.3.0

where v5.3.0 corresponds to ITK 5.3.0, and the ITK-5.3.0 is the name of the local repository created.


Users that have made no local changes and simply want to update a clone with the latest changes may run

git checkout master
git pull --rebase upstream master

Avoid making local changes unless you have read our developer instructions.


After cloning, your local repository will be configured to follow the upstream master branch by default. This means you will have access to cutting edge features, but along with these may come cutting edge bugs :grimacing:. One may create a local branch to track the upstream release branch instead, which should guarantee only bug fixes to the functionality available in the latest release:

git checkout --track -b release origin/release

This local branch will always follow the latest release. Use the [#update] instructions to update it.

Alternatively, one may checkout a specific release tag using

git checkout v5.3.0

Release tags never move. Repeat the command with a different tag to get a different release. One may list available tags using:

git tag